
Old portraits
Old portraits

One of the most famous paintings in the collection is 'The Man with the Golden Helmet'. 'Peasant Couple Eating' is the only one of his works to hang in a German museum. In the Gemäldegalerie, you also have the unique opportunity to see a work by Georges de La Tour. Try to decipher Bruegel's 'The Netherlandish Proverbs' - around 100 sayings are depicted in the painting. Thomas Gainsborough captures the vitality of children in his portrait of the four Marsham siblings in 'The Marsham Children'. The same applies to the image 'Madonna with Child', and 'The Virgin and Child Enthroned'. Many of the women in his paintings are reminiscent of one of his most famous works, the ' Birth of Venus'. Take time to see the famous paintings by Sandro Botticelli. Even today, art critics are undecided over its meaning. The painting's creator was Pieter Bruegel the Elder, and it is entitled ' Two Chained Monkeys'. They sit chained, looking down upon a 16th-century port. The painting with two monkeys is also famous. Or ' Madonna in the Church' by Jan van Eyck: the Madonna, clothed in a crown and fine dress, bears the baby Jesus in a Gothic church. One of these works is ' Amor Vincit Omnia' by Caravaggio the winged boy is typical of the style of this master. Take a look at the ceilings in each room: you will notice that all the paintings are lit only by daylight, so the artworks almost appear to radiate their own light. This central space is perfect for a short meditative rest. All rooms lead to the central foyer, which features a water installation by Walter De Maria.

old portraits

The gallery has a simple and modern design, and every room has a different coloured wall, providing the perfect background for the paintings. A tour takes you across more than two kilometres, featuring 18 rooms and 41 cabinets.

old portraits

The Museum showcases a permanent collection of 1,400 artworks. Today, it's been reunited in the new museum building at the Kulturforum. The collection loses many of its pieces to fire and misplacement during World War II, and with the division of Berlin, the Gemäldegalerie collection is also separated.

old portraits

From the outset, visitors can see masterpieces here, including works by great artists such as Rembrandt and Botticelli. This gallery within the Kulturforum (Culture Forum) displays priceless paintings from the Middle Ages and the early modernist period: works by Rubens, Biblical motifs by Botticelli or astonishingly vibrant portraits by Albrecht Dürer. The greatest European painters are represented in Berlin's Gemäldegalerie.

Old portraits